
默认情况下,我们假设你只是用CodeIgniter来管理一个应用,并将该应用在 application 目录下进行构建。 然而也存在这样的可能性:多个应用共享一个CodeIgniter的安装目录,甚至开发者会将 application目录进行重命名或移动位置。


如果你想重命名你的应用文件夹或者移动 it to a different location on your server, other than your project root, open your main app/Config/Paths.php and set a full server path in the $appDirectory variable (at about line 38):

public $appDirectory = '/path/to/your/application';

You will need to modify two additional files in your project root, so that they can find the Paths configuration file:

  • /spark runs command line apps; the path is specified on or about line 36:

    require 'app/Config/Paths.php';
    // ^^^ Change this if you move your application folder
  • /public/index.php is the front controller for your webapp; the config path is specified on or about line 16:

    $pathsPath = FCPATH . '../app/Config/Paths.php';
    // ^^^ Change this if you move your application folder





This would have two apps, “foo” and “bar”, both having standard application directories and a public folder, and sharing a common codeigniter framework.

The index.php inside each application would refer to its own configuration, ../app/Config/Paths.php, and the $systemDirectory variable inside each of those would be set to refer to the shared common “system” folder.

If either of the applications had a command-line component, then you would also modify spark inside each application’s project folder, as directed above.